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Martin Hellich
28 ene6 Min. de lectura
Closing the Gap Between an Abundance of Innovative Ideas and Limited Resources to Manage
The Explosion of Ideas "Everything that can be invented has already been invented."  This famous quote—although mistakenly attributed to...

Adrian Sanger
15 ene3 Min. de lectura
The Great Retail Reset
New Year, All Change? Philip Kotler has long been a guiding voice in marketing, and his latest book, Redefining Retail, brings fresh...

Martin Hellich
17 dic 20243 Min. de lectura
Balancing demand and supply in White Space Seeking
Gaining a competitive edge by identifying white spaces In a market where product differentiation is narrowing, competitors accelerate...

Adrian Sanger
10 dic 20244 Min. de lectura
The Answer is in the Data!
AI in retail. It’s the shiny new toy every marketer is desperate to flaunt. Today, algorithms and predictive analytics promise to...

Jori van de Spijker
3 dic 20244 Min. de lectura
Consistency and Distinctiveness: The Balancing Act of Great Advertising
As a market researcher, I’ve had the privilege of testing hundreds of ads before their campaigns go live. One of the recurring challenges...

Martin Hellich
15 oct 20243 Min. de lectura
In search of a profitable path – Why volumetric models should also consider strategic options
Optimised for a No-Go Consider a product manager tasked with launching a new product in a specific country. With a clear understanding of...

Adrian Sanger
6 oct 20246 Min. de lectura
AI on the aisle
You know that moment when you’re in the supermarket, staring at a sea of cereal boxes, and—without fail—you grab the same one every time?...

Jori van de Spijker
30 sept 20243 Min. de lectura
The vanity of long video ads in a 1.8-second world
It’s no secret that people on social platforms are not there for the ads. So why are we still making long ones? Marketers know better—at...
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