How good is your new idea for a product or service? Is the chance of success in the market big enough? Which ideas would you want to further develop? What are the first reactions from consumers? How do I choose the best from a series of ideas? These are all important questions if you have a couple of ideas and are unsure whether to continue and with which idea.

DVJ’s Idea Screener tests a large number of pre-mature ideas in a fast and efficient way. Which one is the best, and why? The Idea Screener offers insight into the potential of the different ideas by using a validated model. The model has a high predictive value and through the combination of ideas you will know exactly what to do. You will know for sure that the direction you choose has the highest chance of success.

Our approach

DVJ’s Idea Screener focuses on validating a large number of ideas with the most potential through a short but thorough questionnaire, where we ask consumers to evaluate multiple ideas.

  • We validate the potential of the ideas by using the academically validated Acceptor/Rejector model. We get insight into the extent to which consumers accept ideas or reject them, which leads to more rich insights than buying attention alone.
  • To know which ideas respondents truly find the best, we ask respondents to choose the best and worst ideas and let them explain why. We gather rich qualitative feedback which can be used in the further development of one or more promising ideas.
  • There is an extensive benchmark available of other ideas, so the chance of success is instantly apparent.

Our deliverables

In determining which ideas have the most potential, consumer feedback is of great importance. But it can’t be at the expense of an agile way of working. This means that an idea screener should be carried out in a fast and efficient way.

  • The most important results are summarised in a compact PowerPoint presentation where it is instantly clear which ideas have the most potential to be developed further.
  • Our Senior Consultants add value to the presentation in the interpretation and discussion with important internal and external stakeholders.
  • Completion of the study within 2 business days after fieldwork has ended.


Your benefits

  • Early insight into the potential of ideas to determine in which idea or ideas will be invested.
  • Qualitative feedback is an inspiration for further development.
  • Concrete recommendations which help implement optimisations.