Woche der Marktforschung 2024

Between the 15th and 23rd of April the German online event, Woche der Markforschung, will take place.

The week will be filled with webinars, discussions, pitches and interactive workshops where DVJ´s keynotes will share insights on Research, Advertising, and AI as well as insights on Consumer & User Behavior. 

Bringing AI to the party –  How AI makes our Marketing Research (even) smarter

There is no doubt that AI can make market research faster and more cost-efficient. However, it only gets ground-breaking when technology makes research truly smarter. In particular, when new functionalities are added, new insights are generated, and analyses are deepened to an amount that would not be possible without AI.

In this session, DVJ Insights will show some practical client cases where Artificial Intelligence was used to enrich set-up, data collection, and analyses of market research and thereby improve the value of the studies significantly.

Speakers: Tina Vollmer | Client Consultant at DVJ Insights
When: Tuesday, 23 April, 12.00-12.30
Location: WdM online event

Distinctive Brand Assets: Using iconic power to guide the mental availability of a brand to the actual purchase decision  

DBAs are intended to define the iconic identity of a brand. When consumers perceive them in advertising or as part of the product packaging, a brand becomes immediately recognizable thanks to its distinctive power. This takes Mental Availability one step further, guiding consumers directly to the product. Inside-out thinking causes the actual appeal of DBAs to be often overestimated. Instead, they are perceived as generic signals for a product category by consumers.

In this session, DVJ Insights uses examples from the FMCG sector to show how the impact of Distinctive Brand Assets can be successfully captured with an outside-in approach in order to ensure further brand growth.

Speakers: Simon Kluge | Senior Business Partner at DVJ Insights
When: Monday, 22 April, 16.00h
Location: WdM online event

Check out the programme!

Start date: Stay tuned