How does radio contribute to the mental availability of FMCG brand Douwe Egberts

Published on 11 04 2023

Douwe Egberts demonstrates how radio may create strong and memorable brand associations. The media mix’s deeper ends of the funnel exhibit a more pronounced rise in brand attitude and preference on the radio.

A crucial part of Douwe Egberts’ brand identity and a critical factor in creating positive brand associations is their distinctive trademark sounds. DVJ Insights conducted research on what the attribution of radio is on the mental availability of the Douwe Egberts brand.

The influence of cross-media campaigns on brand attitude and preferences

In collaboration with Jacobs Douwe Egberts and media bureau Havas Media, DVJ Insights conducted research on what the attribution of radio is on the mental availability for the Douwe Egberts brand. Douwe Egberts shows that implementing the radio can help build more positive and distinctive brand associations. Powerful works– with sonic branding- branding helps consumers form more vivid images of the company in their heads, which makes creating associations much simpler.

Mixing radio with other reach media also improves brand parameters by influencing brand attitude and preference further down the marketing funnel. Sonic branding adds a personality component that has an impact. So, this layer guarantees the consumer’s speedier and better mental availability

Table 1: Associations per channel and their combinations

Table 2: Attitude and preferences per channel and their combinations

Creation as a key asset for successful campaigns

The creative expressions of the ’Power of coffee, Douwe Egberts Coffee’ are distinctive and powerful. The commercials have a great deal of potential for success. According to the survey findings, up to 70% of Dutch individuals automatically link the Douwe Egberts brand sound with the Douwe Egberts brand. As a result, it has incredible power as a unique brand asset. Douwe Egberts can instantly create a brand relationship through radio and other aural expressions thanks to its distinctive sound.

Hanka de Bruin, Senior Media Manager at Jacob Douwe Egberts Nederland says:

When it comes to FMCG, we strive to stimulate various senses in order to attract the customer. They should be able to see, taste and feel. The sound seems to play a more insignificant  role for most marketers, which is a pity.”

Read the full paper

Audify Whitepaper-Radio research incremental brand salience

Research justification

The study includes a nationally representative sample (age, gender, region, and education) of a total of N=2700 respondents. A 0 and 1 measurement was used. It is feasible to assess what part radio plays in any increases using the ”Opportunity to see method.”