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The solution to screening-out respondents

Published on 22 08 2019

Research is a profession that should be carried out by experts. The biggest threat to quick and cost-efficient research is that the quality is almost always suffering. DVJ wants research to remain good. Even when it is quick and against low cost. For this reason, we regularly share examples of mistakes and best practises in the market. We share our thoughts and possible solutions to improve research. By following these tips, we can make research better.

As a market researcher I love improving my questionnaires. It is especially important to me that my respondents are engaged while filling in the questionnaire and are motivated to continue to fill in questionnaires in the future.

The other day I came across this example in which I was screened-out because I didn’t fit the target group. I can imagine that such messages normally disappoint respondents, because they can’t give their opinion and earn some points.

Figure 1

But they offered an instant solution. They offered a different questionnaire which I could fill in straight away.  If all research agencies would integrate this system in their questionnaires it would make respondents instantly happy and would also motivate them to fill in questionnaires in the future. When respondents don’t fit the specific characteristics, just offer them another survey in which they can participate.