< Terug naar nieuws BG InterviewMoment of Truth

Lucio Jessurun – Yune

Gepubliceerd op 08 04 2022

Lucio Jessurun is a Content Strategist & Head of Campaigns at Yune, a Dutch content agency. Starting as a video production agency, the Amsterdam-based agency now focuses on full-service content marketing. Yune is part of IPG Mediabrands Nederland but operates independently, working for brands like Nespresso, Bol.com, Jumbo, and ANWB.


According to Lucio, the moment of truth has significantly changed in recent years: “The media landscape has become much more fragmented and there are more touchpoints than ever. We are able to track entire customer journeys from first research to end purchase. However, what do we really know about the starting point of this journey?”

“It might look like it all starts with a Google search, but consumers have to know what to look for before they can start searching.”

“For brands, this implies that it is vital to connect with consumers even before they might be ‘in market’. Once the actual journey starts, people often already have a few brand names in mind. As a brand, you must not only come to mind, but people also need to have positive associations before they start their journey towards an actual purchase. Therefore, it is still very important to communicate at a brand level rather than product level. The emotions you attach to your brand and the story you tell is a way to be relevant in consumers’ minds when entering the customer journey.”

“Nowadays, we can buy almost everything in one click, but it is still the brand that gives you the confidence in what you are buying.”

Lucio continued: “There are products where brands play a less important role, think of the functional, low-interest products. But with products that have a certain degree of interest, it is important you already have an emotional connection to the brand. In a category you know little about, a customer journey starts with a search for information. By which time, it is important to have a good and relevant brand story. Performance marketing has significantly contributed to fast conversion to sales, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

Performance buttons will undoubtedly work, but what those clicks don’t show is the impact of the brand message that was sent out before. The choice people make at that moment is strongly influenced by the connection the brand was able to make in the steps before one pushes the ‘buy’ button.”


In a fragmented online landscape, Lucio underlines the importance of attention: “You need people’s attention before you can tell your story.”

“Attention is one of the most important things we as marketing and content agencies can deliver to brands.”

“Anyone can tell a reasonable brand story but bringing it to people’s attention is what good advertising and communication are all about. Getting consumers’ attention on content- and social platforms where they don’t necessarily come to see your content, is still the crux. Brands need to share their story from a point of relevance, cultural insight, and creativity. I believe creativity is still a vital part of earning people’s attention.”


Lucio shared how Yune uses data to shape and optimise their content: “We gather insight into how people behave, what they search for online, how they interact with content. We also look at where potential lies and where brands can benefit compared to their competitors. As an agency, we find it very important that data and science closely connect to creativity and content.”

“For instance, we are looking for ways to increase the viewing time of our videos. By looking at scientific principles and testing different versions of content, we can optimise our output. We live in a time where you need to show that what you are doing has an effect. The days of waving your hands and saying ‘everybody loves this’, are over. Everything can be measured, and it is our job to show that what we do, works.

Of course, there must always be room for creativity as it is the unknown spark you can’t account for in research. Data inspires us, helps us build strategy and brand stories, but there is also a risk in being too data-driven. Data never tells the whole story; if your research shows that your target group likes football, it doesn’t mean that you have to focus on football for your travel brand, just because the data tells you to. You need to ensure that the data tells a story that works for your product.”


Lucio shared how brands can grow by establishing a deeper relationship with consumers and carrying out a consistent brand story: “Traditional reporting often focuses on brand awareness and brand recall. When we introduce a new video format, we test whether that video contributes to the values that go deeper than those metrics. If all we care about is awareness and brand recall, we might as well just start posting logos.”

“To get into the minds of consumers, you must establish a deeper relationship with a story that resonates.”


To conclude, Lucio had a very clear view on consistency: “Communicating your values is key to building a brand nowadays. But at the end of the day, the brands that work on their category entry points and distinctive brand assets, are the ones that grow. Distinctive brand assets are the things that often stick in people’s minds, and I’m not just talking about colours and logos; they go as far as sounds, music, brand characters, brand ambassadors. Those are things that you need to construct at brand-level. As an agency, we try to ensure the right associations stick in people’s minds. Naturally, you don’t need to convey a dozen associations and assets, they can be few and simple. As long as you are consistent in your assets and story, you can ensure growth for your brand.”