The power of Christmas commercials!

Published on 17 12 2020

Article Lucas Hulsebos – CEO & Sasha Perozo Alberti – Senior Research Expert

Many advertisers use certain, specific moments in their advertising to draw even more attention to their message. Christmas commercials are ideally suited to share a special message. Large-scale research by DVJ Insights shows that Christmas commercials require more attention, are appreciated more positively and, after watching the entire commercial, also lead to more interest in the brand. If the advertiser has also incorporated the corona crisis in the commercial, they will perform even better. However, the impact is less than expected. Many commercials fail to convert this attention into effect, as too little account is taken of the memory structures of consumers. This is not as bad with generic Christmas commercials, then as it is with Corona-based Christmas commercials.


Adapting is perhaps the magic word of 2020. Adapting to a new situation, adapting your behaviour, your possibilities, and even adapting Christmas. Yet, one thing has not changed; in the Netherlands, Christmas commercials only appear on TV when ‘Sinterklaas’ has left the country, whilst in the UK and Germany they can sometimes be seen from the end of November. Within the advertising world, the symbolic start is given by John Lewis, whilst others follow swiftly. The retailers often take the cake, but more and more marketers adapt their commercials to the time of year. The most important question we, therefore, face every single year; why do advertisers do this every year? And; are Christmas commercials really more effective than the average ad?

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