Influence on purchases

People in the United Kingdom are more likely to have changed their grocery shopping behaviour versus those in the Netherlands and Germany. As you might have expected from all of the panic buying stories, 40% have done more grocery shopping.

Influence per category

Purchasing plans reveal people want more products to help keep their homes clean, to stock up their cupboards and freezers and to ensure essentials are at hand to look after themselves and their families.

Shift to online

Increased purchasing is not just limited to physical stores. Compared to the Netherlands and Germany, people in the United Kingdom are more likely to change online shopping behaviour for groceries. Close to a third say they’ll do more.

Online per category

Everyday and essential product categories are planned to be purchased more online to similar extents.


Covid-19 is making UK durable goods shoppers feel more uncertain and re-assess versus those in the Netherlands and Germany. Of those planning to purchase a durable product (such as a TV, washing machine, laptop) in the United Kingdom, close to half are now going to delay.

Food delivery

Consumers in the UK are more likely to change their food delivery behaviour vs the Netherlands and Germany. As we stay at home more, close to a third say they’re planning to have more of them.


Covid-19 is having more of an impact on holiday plans in the United Kingdom. There is greater uncertainty about booking holidays and going on holiday this year. If people in the United Kingdom do go on holiday this year, it will more likely be a ‘staycation’ compared to plans in the Netherlands and Germany.

Media behaviour

Also reflecting staying at home more, over 50% of people in the UK have upped their usage of TV. That’s also happening to a similar extent with online news sources – people are looking to stay up to date through the mainstream channels. Changes in usage of media channels is similar across the 3 countries.

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The sample for this study consists of over 500 people per measurement. This number is large enough for reliable results. In addition, a representative sample by gender and age, education level and region were used. Based on this sampling method, we can state that the results represent the opinion of the United Kingdom as it was at the time of measurement.

Update 30/03