Brand research

To increase and monitor the growth of brands, we have developed different approaches which fit the reason we do research:

  • Strategic brand research: BrandReality, DomainReality, DVJ U&A and Consumer Journey studies are strategic studies, with which we map the growth potential of a brand and a domain. These studies are based on the scientific theories of the Ehrenberg Bass Institute (exploration and validation of Category Entry Points), Kahneman (systems 1 and 2), different academic works on the “Moment of Truth”, and Romaniuk (finding the distinctive assets for your brand). The implementation is “Mass Qual”, where we use storytelling and free associations in combination with insight into behaviour and usage within a category.
    Because we always carry out this type of research among large representative samples, the results can be linked to the volumes in the market.
  • Monitoring the position of the brand: Reality Analytics is the new generation of brand and communication tracking, where integration is leading.


Communication with consumers and customers is carried out in various ways, employing different tools such as advertising, packaging, in-store strategies, etc. Because we believe that research should support decisions at crucial “go-no go” moments, our research is closely tied to the process.

The DVJ “Communication Reality Approach” has emerged from the need to align with this process. For us, this means the following:

  • Diverse Perspectives: In each phase, the stimulus for research varies. This implies not focusing on a single method but employing a combination of methods and techniques that best fit each phase.
  • Attention to Attention: Gaining and maintaining attention has become the greatest communication challenge for advertisers. DVJ has developed numerous direct and registration techniques to measure attention genuinely.
  • Evaluative and Continuous Optimization: Each phase utilizes a quantitative KPI enabling the go-no-go decision. Additionally, various supplementary tools are employed to determine if and how optimization can be achieved.
  • Practical Advice: Our FUA (Focus-Understand-Act) working structure is always oriented towards providing practical advice and actionable insights. We assist advertisers and agencies in identifying necessary changes.
  • Increasing ROI: Through better solutions, we aim to deliver more value for your money and enhance the return on investment in research. The studies utilized by DVJ have a very high predictive value for real-world effects in the market.
Reality Analytics