CEP Assessor
Identify the most relevant Category Entry Points and activate them

Why is your product being purchased? Why is the consumer choosing your service, or that of your competitor? In which instances are your products especially being purchased and where? When is your product being purchased the most, and what are the similarities between these moments? Are there certain situations where your competitor’s products are especially purchased? These are all important questions to determine and understand the Category Entry Points (CEP’s) within your category.
CEP’s are difficult to detect in research. DVJ’s CEP Assessor determines which CEP’s exist in a unique way, and highlight which are the most relevant for your product. The study is based on a combination of different qualitative and quantitative techniques, not only ensuring which position your brand has within each CEP, but also validating which are most important insights in the relevance and brand positioning with all CEP’s.
DVJ’s CEP Assessor is holistic and consists of different implicit and explicit research techniques.
The study is based on academically validated principles, ensuring high predictability.
Because CEP’s are building blocks of mental availability, the study will help in improving the brand positioning.
We gather rich qualitative feedback with our projective storytelling techniques which help to detect all CEP’s and bring them to life.
We validate the potential of each CEP by focusing on the 5 W’s.
We use different diagnostic tools such as associations, evaluation and activation statements and/or the text highlighter to understand how a more dominant role can be played within each CEP.
A CEP Assessor is of great strategic value and provides a large amount of quantitative and qualitative data. Our deliverables fit the needs of all stakeholders.
Extensive kick-off session including stakeholder interviews to really fathom the current status of your brand.
Review of existing studies and integration of all sources in the delivery of the report and workshop.
The most important results are summarised in a compact PowerPoint presentation where we show the dynamic of your brand in the category and identify the most important growth opportunities using the FUA-method.
Access to our Insights Portal, where next to all quantitative data all stories and free associations can be analysed.
Our Senior Consultants add value to the workshop in the interpretation and discussion with important internal and external stakeholders.
Insight in all CEPs and therefore a base to build a strong mental position in the consumers’ minds.
Rich diagnostic leading to new insights and challenges of each CEP and brand position.
Concrete recommendations that help implement optimisations and detect where growth is possible.
Strategic information that is directly linked to other sources and where the delivery of results is based on choices and actions.