Pack Test
Understand performance of a pack in its competitive environmentÂ

Does your packaging stand out enough on the shelf? Is the new packaging linked to your brand? Do the right elements of the packaging attract attention? Which claim should get the most prominent role on the new packaging? These are all important questions to determine whether your new packaging will generate an impact on the shelf, or should be developed further before being introduced into the market.
DVJ’s Pack Tests offers insight into the potential of your new packaging by using a validated research model where we validate and explore the strength of the new packaging. The test has a high predictive value for who will win the battle on the shelf. Because different techniques are used, a rich insight arises into the potential of the new packaging, and concrete recommendations are made for possible optimisations. The Pack Test is important for new packaging, but also for existing packaging on a changing shelf.
Our approach
DVJ’s Pack Test is holistic and consists of different implicit and explicit research techniques.
The Pack Test looks at different levels of the mind of the consumer: recall, immediate appreciation, search speed on the shelf, evaluation, consideration and preference. This ensures there’s always a concrete insight into where optimisations are possible.
We use different techniques, such as a tachistoscope, search-and-find tasks and online eye tracking.
We validate this by using free associations and a set of evaluation and activation statements, and by using open-question techniques we get a deeper insight into how the packaging performs.
We study which effect the new packaging has on the extent to which a brand is considered and the extent to which it influences preference for the brand.
We always compare the new packaging to the competitors on the shelf and also to the current packaging. This creates the most direct and relevant benchmark.
Our deliverables
To fit the short development processes, it’s important a pack test is carried out in a fast and efficient way.
Insight in all aspects that are important for packaging: Identification, Evaluation, Brand Fit and Choice.
The results are summarised in a compact PowerPoint presentation where the potential of the new packaging is determined and possible optimisations identified using the FUA-method.
Our Senior Consultants add value to the presentation in the interpretation and discussion with important internal and external stakeholders.
Completion of the study within 5 business days after fieldwork has ended.
Your benefits
Insight into the potential of the new packaging based on a validated model which both explores and validates.
Concrete recommendations which help implement optimisations.
Insightful presentations by our Senior Consultants.
Short timings.