Optimizing the ad before it goes life

Is your new campaign good enough to introduce? What will be the impact of your campaign? Is your tv commercial capable of breaking through the clutter? What is the stopping-power of your new social video? Are there possibilities to improve your print advertisement? These are all important questions when developing a campaign where concrete and predictive advice is needed.
DVJ’s Ad Reality gives concrete answers to these questions by using a holistic research model with proven predictive value. The difference between a good and average creative translates to 150-200 GRP’s in the market. The test validates the potential of your new campaign creative and offers concrete insights into how your creative can be optimised, with Ad Reality leading to a higher ROI of your marketing efforts.
Our approach
DVJ’s pre test model consists of a unique combination of behaviour registration with implicit and explicit question techniques and leads to full insight into how each campaign creative works.
We take fundamental ‘advertising laws’ into account which are related to advertising avoidance from the academic world.
We focus on the willingness to listen or watch and place the new campaign creative in a realistic context of other creatives within the same ‘Umfeld’.
We give respondents the opportunity to decide how long they are willing to give attention to each creative, with real behaviour instead of forced.
We adapt the test to the characteristics of each channel and have an extensive international benchmark for each medium.
We offer unique insight into the extent to which a creative can communicate the brand and message. This therefore, has a high predictive value.
We use different diagnostic tools such as free associations, evaluation and activation statements, moment-to-moment evaluation or online eye tracking to understand how a creative can be optimised.
We compare the results with our benchmark, where we focus on the top 20%, because we know that average results lead to limited in-market impact.
Our deliverables
There isn’t a lot of time between the completion of the campaign material by the advertising agency and the moment the campaign goes live. This means that a pre-test should be carried out in a fast and efficient way.
A comparison to a benchmark for each medium type, with the option of either the average or the top 20%.
The most important results are summarised in a compact PowerPoint presentation where the potential of the campaign creative is determined and possible optimisations identified using the FUA-method.
Our Senior Consultants add value to the presentation in the interpretation and discussion with important internal and external stakeholders such as the advertising agency.
Completion of the study within 48 hours after fieldwork has ended.
Your benefits from the Pre-test
More efficient and effective campaigns.
New insight into how creations work.
Concrete recommendations that help the advertising agency implement optimisations.