Proposition Test
What is the potential of your new proposition?

What do customers think of the new idea for your service? What is the chance of success? Which tone of voice should be chosen in the introduction? Which benefits appeal the most and why? How can the idea for a service be optimised even further? These are all important questions before an idea for a service can be further developed and introduced.
That’s why it’s important to gather insight into the potential of the proposition and to understand which elements appeal or don’t appeal, before the proposition is introduced. DVJ’s Proposition Test offers insight into the potential based on a validated research model. This creates a rich insight into the market potential of the new proposition and concrete recommendations are made for possible optimisations, ensuring the proposition can be optimised or adjusted at an early stage, before being developed further.
Our approach
DVJ’s Proposition Test is holistic and consists of different implicit and explicit research techniques.
The research is based on academic insights on the reasons of success when introducing new services.
We make a distinction between testing the underlying insight and the full proposition.
We gather rich qualitative feedback with our projective storytelling technique which help bring the underlying insight to life.
We validate the potential of the concept by using the academically validated Acceptor/Rejector model. We gather insight in the extent to which consumers accept the proposition.
We use different diagnostic tools such as free associations, evaluation and activation statements and/or the text highlighter to understand how the proposition can be further optimised and which RtB’s resonate most.
There is an extensive benchmark available where every result can be placed in the perspective of other service concepts.
Our deliverables
In the development and optimisation of new propositions, the consumer’s feedback is of great importance. Therefore, a proposition test should be carried out in a fast an efficient way.
The results are summarised in a compact PowerPoint presentation where the market potential of the proposition is determined and possible optimisations identified using the FUA-method, always in comparison with a benchmark.
Access to our Insights Portal where next to all quantitative data, all stories and free associations can be analysed.
Our Senior Consultants add value in the presentation in the interpretation and discussion with important internal and external stakeholders.
Completion of the study within 5 business days after fieldwork has ended.
Your benefits
Insight into the potential of the proposition to make a well-considered investment choice at an early stage.
New insights into the positive and weaker elements of the proposition.
Concrete recommendations which help implement optimisations.